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Sunday, 31 October 2021

Belize Barrier Reef

Belize Barrier Reef, coral reef that is the second largest in the world after Australia's Great Barrier Reef and the largest of its kind in the Northern and Western hemispheres. It stretches for more than 180 miles (290 kilometers) along Belize's Caribbean coast, with an offshore distance ranging from about 1,000 feet (300 meters) in the north to 25 miles (40 kilometers) in the south, except at Rocky Point, where it meets the shoreline. The contiguous Bacalar Chico National Park and Marine Reserve, Blue Hole Natural, Half Moon Caye Natural Monument, Glover's Reef Marine Reserve, South Water Caye Marine Reserve, Laughing Bird Caye National Park, and Sapodilla Marine Reserve protect the 370-square-mile (960-square-kilometer) area (1996).

The reef and its atolls contain nearly 450 mangrove cays and sandy islands of varying sizes, including the Western Hemisphere's only coral atolls. The area is home to several rare and endangered animal species, including the American crocodile and the world's largest population of West Indian manatees. Sea turtles, red-footed boobies, and other seabirds are also common, as are more than 500 species of fish, 65 species of stony corals (Scleractinia), and 350 varieties of mollusks. Above water, there are 178 plant species, and below water, there are 247 types of marine flora; algal varieties abound, as do turtle and manatee sea-grass beds.

The reef's tropical climate, with average temperatures ranging from 61 °F (16 °C) in winter to 88 °F (31 °C) in summer, and its extraordinary fauna have made it a popular tourist destination. Historically, its main draw was as a fishing and trading center; the Maya used it for this purpose from around 300 BCE to 900 CE, and in the 17th century, pirates of Scottish and English descent, who had first sought safety at the reef, exploited its resources as well. Even though it is threatened by the effects of water sports, sightseeing boats (whose anchors tear apart sections of the reef), and fishing, the reef has been kept largely accessible to watercraft due to its importance to the tourism and fishing industries. The reef is a major source of seafood, particularly lobster and conch, and a large portion of it is exported. Every year, between 100,000 and 150,000 tourists visit the area, congregating around snorkeling and diving hotspots like San Pedro, Caye Caulker, and Placencia. In 1996, the Belize Barrier Reef was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Article by - Naveen Lakshitha



Sunday, 24 October 2021

A “living hell” vs A “never-never land”

 Earlier last May, the MV X-Press Pearl carrying chemicals caught fire off the western coast of Sri Lanka. It has been such an environmental disaster and this might be a difficult decade for marine life. Although the ship has already been sunken off and the thick dark smoke that could see from miles away has been stopped, the problems have only just begun. Most of them are; the highly dangerous chemicals have already leaked into the ocean and occurred a number of deaths of marine animals such as fishes, turtles and dolphins who had beached by turning into a greenish colour, suggesting contamination with chemicals and metals; Nitric acid, Copper and Lead, additionally tons of tiny plastic pellets have already been beached by increasing the number of deaths of fishes by stuck in their gills and dolphins by stuck in their stomachs. The most long- lasting impact is the chemical pollution, which make their way into the bellies of the local marine life. Small fish might be die quickly but the bigger ones are less likely to. When feeding on smaller fish the toxins will slowly build up in their bodies over time.

Not only this disaster but also the human impact on marine life has been the hugest problem for marine animals and habitats in this 21st century where humans are walking through a technologically and scientifically improved world by ignoring that the marine animals are the ancestors of them. Ocean pollution, overfishing and ocean acidification are the main impacts on the marine animals. Mainly, ocean pollution results from the wastes added through land-based activities like industrial, agricultural, and residential by plastic, polythene, fertilizers, oil, chemicals, dirt and gravel etc. These pollutants may degrade or destroy habitat for marine life by contaminating the untreated waste.

Over 300 million of plastic are produced every year, half of them are single-used. Sadly, at least 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year and it is estimated that about 150 million metric tons of plastic exists in our oceans. Plastics are light, therefore much of these can be seen on the surface but plastic trash and particles are now found in marine habitats, including deep sea, coral reefs, beaches etc. This can bring seabirds, whales, fish and turtles to die of starvation with plastic filled stomachs and they can also be suffocated or entangled in these garbage.  

Untreated water is contained excess nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates by dumping of human sewage into water bodies which lead to stimulate algae growth. These algae then die, sink and is decomposed by bacteria in the water. This process consumes oxygen depleting the supply for other marine life and creating what is referred to as a “dead zone”. Dead zones are hypoxic therefore this kills off marine life or forces it to leave the area. This process can be occurred naturally, but human activity has turned this natural process into an environmental problem.

Overfishing is occurring in one third of world fish stocks and it has led to the habitat loss. Significant habitat loss is particularly occurring in seagrass meadows, mangrove forests and coral reefs. Coral reefs are among the more productive and diverse ecosystems on the planet, but one fifth of them have been lost. Seagrass meadows are the provisions of food and habitats for many marine animals but unfortunately seagrass meadows have lost 30,000 km2 during recent decades. One-fifth of the world’s mangrove forests have also been lost.

Ocean acidification is caused mainly by the uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere doe to the burning of fossil fuels. When CO2 dissolves in water it forms hydrogen and carbonate ions by increasing the acidity of sea water and makes harder for marine organisms mainly that depend on calcium carbonate to form their shells and causes coral bleaching.

Now we can comment on whether ocean has been either a living hell or a never-never land for marine animals. Of course it was a never-never land before the industrial revolution; no factories- no environment pollution. But it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t develop with the technology, with the development we should be able to overcome these issues. There are some proposed solutions for overfishing; make government regulations (fishing quotas, closed seasons, marine reserves etc.), removal of subsidies, minimizing fishing impact, aquaculture, consumer awareness, ocean pollution; only two ways either the human population is reduced or a way is found to reduce the ecological footprint left behind by the average human and ocean acidification; bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, direct air capture to remove CO2 from ambient air, afforestation, reforestation and forest restoration, creating bio char (i.e. in biomass-fired thermal power plants, for mixing into the soil to create terrapreta [black soil]). If we are responsible with the rules and regulations and also with our behaviour, we would be able to make a never-never land definitely for our ancestors; marine life. 

Article by  –  H C Jayani N De Silva


1. Ranga Sirilal and Andreas Illmer, BBC News, updated on 10th June 2021 for the details that caused an environmental disaster by the X-Press Pearl

2. UNESCO Natural Sciences, IOC Oceans (pdf), Ocean acidification

3. Patin, S.A. “Anthropogenic impact in the sea and marine pollution” retrieved 1st February 2018

4. Raven, J.A. (2005). Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Royal Society, London, UK

5. Warner, Robin (2009). Protecting the Oceans Beyond National Jurisdiction 


Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Alongshore webinar series 1.0 ; Webinar #5

බොහොමයක් ශාක හා සත්ත්ව විශේෂ වල පැවැත්ම තහවුරු කරමින් පරිසර පද්ධති සඳහා වෙනත් විවිධාකාර සේවාවන් රාශියක් සපයන කඩොලාන ප්‍රජාව, දශක තුනක පමණ කාලයක සිට වනහරණය හා අනිසි භාවිතය හේතුවෙන් පිළියම් කළ නොහැකි ආකාරයෙන් විනාශ වෙමින් පවතියි.  එබැවින් කඩොලාන නිවැරදි ආකාරයෙන් කළමනාකරණය පිළිබඳ අප දැනුවත් විය යුතුව ඇත.

ශ්‍රී ජයවර්ධනපුර විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ ජලජ ජීව විද්‍යා ශිෂ්‍ය සංගමය මඟින් සංවිධානය කරනු ලබන සම්මන්ත්‍රණ මාලාව "Alongshore", එහි පස්වන පියවර තබමින් "කඩොලාන තාත්වික කළමනාකරණය සඳහා විද්‍යාව හා පාලනය" පිළිබඳ හරවත්, විද්වත් ඒ වගේම රසවත් කතිකාවතක් ගොඩනගමින් ඔබව දැනුවත් කිරීමට අපි සූදානම් .

මෙවර සාකච්ඡාව සඳහා සම්පත් දායකත්වය, වයඹ විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ පශු සම්පත් ධීවර හා පෝෂණ පීඨයේ ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ මහාචාර්ය සෙව්වන්දි ජයකොඩි මහත්මියයි.

දිනය        - ඔක්තෝබර් මස 22 වන සිකුරාදා 
වේලාව     - පස්වරු 5 සිට 6 දක්වා 

මාර්ගගත ක්‍රමයන් ඔස්සේ ZOOM තාක්ෂණය හරහා ඔබටත් මේ අගනා අවස්ථාව සමඟ අප හා සම්බන්ධ වීමට හැක.

පහත සබැඳිය හරහා ඔබට එදින සාකච්ඡාවට සම්බන්ධ විය හැක.

Meeting ID    : 646 0048 3443
Passcode     : g@VNJ28f 


Saturday, 16 October 2021

මුහුදු පතුලේ නත්තල් සිරි මවන නත්තල් ගස් පනුවන් (Christmas tree worm)

Spirobranchus giganteus,  යන විද්‍යාත්මක නාමයෙන් හැඳින්වෙන මෙම ආකර්ශනීය ජීවින් නිවර්ථන කලාපීය මුහුදේ වැඩි වශයෙන් දකින්නට පුළුවන්. විශේෂයෙන් කැරබියන් මුහුදේ සිට ඉන්දු පැසිපික් කලාපය දක්වා වූ මුහුදු තීරයේ කොරල් පර ආශ්‍රිතව මොවුන් බහුල වශයෙන් ජීවත් වෙනවා. නත්තල් ගස් පනුවන් සත්ව රාජධානියේ ඇනලීඩා හෙවත් සඛණ්ඩ පනුවන් වංශයේ පොලිකීටා  වර්ගයට අයත් මුහුදේ වාසය කරන ජීව විශේෂයකි. මොවුන්ගේ දේහයේ ඇති නත්තල් ගස් හැඩය නිසා මොවුන් නත්තල් ගස් පනුවන් ( Christmas tree worm) ලෙස හැඳින්වෙනවා. මොවුන් ඉතාමත් අලංකාර වර්ණ වලින් හැඩගැන්වෙන අතර බොහෝවිට එක් සත්වයෙක් වර්ණ දෙකකින් යුක්ත වෙනවා. ඔවුන්ගේ දේහය සෙන්ටිමීටර් 3.8 ක පමණ දිගින් යුක්තවේ. ඔවුන්ගේ නාළාකාර දේහයේ ඇති වී තිබෙන නෙරායාම් මඟින් ඔටුනු ආකාර ව්‍යුහයක් සැකසී ඇති අතර මධ්‍ය දේහය වටා කේශාකාර උපාංග වෘතාකාරව සැකසීමෙන් ඔවුන්ට මෙම සුවිශේෂි නත්තල් ගස් හැඩය ලැබී ඇත. ඔවුන් මෙම උපාංග ශ්වසනය සහ ආහාර ගොඳුරු කරගැනීමට යොදා ගනු ලබයි. මොවුන් පෙරා බුදින්නන් වන අතර ජලයේ පාවෙන ශාක ප්ලාවංග සහ ක්ෂුද්‍ර ශාක කොටස් තම ආහාර වශයෙන් යොදා ගනු ලබනවා.

මොවුන් ඔත් ජීවිත ගත කරන අතර බොහෝවිට ජීව කොරල් වල ශීර්ෂයට සම්බන්ධ වී කැල්සියම් වලින් සමන්විත නාලයක් තම දේහය වටා ස්‍රාවය කරගනු ලබනවා. ඔවුන් එම නාලය තම නිවස ලෙස ආරක්ෂාවට යොදා ගනු ලබනවා. සතුරු ආක්‍රමණයක සේයාවක් දැනුන විගස තම දේහය එම නාළය තුළ සඟවා ගන්නා අතර එසේ සැඟවුණු පසුව නාළයේ විවරයේ ඇති තියුණු අං හැඩැති පිධානය වැසී යාමෙන් ඔවුන්ට තවදුරටත් ආරක්ෂාව සැලසෙනවා.

මෙම ජීවී විශේෂය ඒක ලිංගික වන අතර ජලයට මුදා හරිනු ලබන ඩිම්බ හා ශුක්‍රාණු සංසේචනය වීමෙන් කීටයකු  වර්ධනය වෙනවා. එම කීටයා සුදුසු කොරල්පරයකට සම්බන්ධ වීමෙන් පසු තවදුරටත් වර්ධනය වී සුහුඹුල් අවස්ථාවට පත්වේ.

මොවුන් කොරල් ආශ්‍රිතව මවන්නාවූ වර්ණවත් රූරටා  නිසාවෙන්ම ජලජ ජීවි ඡායාරූපකරුවන් බොහෝ දෙනෙකු මොවුන්ගේ වසස්ථාන තම සේයාරූ ලබාගැනීම සඳහා යොදාගනු ලබනවා.

රචනය - ඉෂිනි දේවින්දි






Monday, 11 October 2021


Introduction of mangroves

Mangroves trees have become specialized to survive in the extreme conditions of estuaries, two key adaptations they have are the ability to survive in waterlogged and anoxic soil, and the ability to tolerate brackish waters.  Some mangroves remove salt from brackish estuarine water through ultra-filtration in their roots. Other species have special glands on their leaves that actively secrete salt, a process that leaves visible salt crystals on the upper surface of the leaves.

All mangroves species have laterally spreading roots with attached vertical anchor roots.  These roots are very shallow. Many species have aerial roots called as pneumatophores that take up to oxygen from the air for the roots. Some species have prop roots, extending from trunk and helps to withstand the destructive action of tides, wave, and storm surges. Many mangroves tress also have a unique method of reproduction. Instead of forming seeds that fall to soil below and begin growing, mangroves seeds begin growing while still attached to the parent plant. These seedling is known as propagules. Mangroves forests are grow in tropical and subtropical latitudes near the equator.  

Mangroves habitats

Mangrove tress are grow in the intertidal or estuarine areas .They can be found in warmer areas between the attitude of 32 degrees north and 38 degrees south. And also mangroves need to live in areas where the annual temperature is above 66 degrees of Fahrenheit.

Mangroves are most commonly found in

1. River  deltas

2. Estuaries

3. Coastal  lagoons

4. Open coastlines  


The estimating of the area that covered by mangroves world wide range is between from 84000 Km2 to 136000 Km2 including the 123 countries.  The distribution, density and the species compositions are determined by the water and air temperature during  in the winter, exposure to the wave action and the tidal currents, range of the tide, type of sediment and the chemistry of sea water.  In   Sri Lanka, estimated area of mangroves is approximately 15670ha and mangrove forests mainly can be found in northern coast, eastern coast, and southern coast, western and north western coasts as well as Negombo, Chilaw and Puttalam lagoons and the Kala Oya estuary.

Types and identify of mangroves  

1. Red mangrove

Red mangroves can be easily identified by their prop roots, which are tangled, reddish, aerial roots that originate from the trunk and branches. Their leaves are 1 to 5 inches long, broad and blunt on the tip, shiny, deep green, on top and paler on the underside.

2. Black mangrove  

Black mangroves can be identified by numerous finger like projections, called pneumatophore that protrude from the soil around the tree’s trunk. Leaves are oblong, shiny green on top and covered with short dense hairs on the underside .Black mangroves are usually found in slightly higher elevation upland from red mangroves.

3. White mangroves

White mangroves have no visible aerial root system like red and black mangroves. The easiest way to identify white mangroves is by the leaves. The leaves are up to 3 inches long, elliptical, yellowish in color and two distinguishing glands at the base of each leaf blade where the stem begins. White mangroves are usually located in elevations higher and farther upland than either black or red mangroves.  




Mangroves have several unique adaptations to them for survive in saline and inundated conditions. Adaptations are mainly for Physical stability, salt tolerance, anaerobic sediments and reproduction.

1. Physical stability - Root adaptations make it possible for mangrove to live in soft sediments. As well as shore line root adaptations increase the stability of mangrove tress in the soft sediments along shorelines. Red mangroves have the prop roots, descending from its trunk and branches and the black  mangroves have shallow wide spreading roots in surrounding of its trunk for this stability purpose.


2. Salt tolerance Adaptation – mangroves have salt exclusion or the excretion adaptation for allowing survival in the saline environments. The ability to exclude salts occurs through filtration at the surface  of the root. Root membranes prevent salt from entering while allowing the water to pass through. This is effective at removing the majority of salt from seawater. Red mangroves are example for salt excluder while white and black mangroves are salt excretes.

Mangroves also need adaptation to conserve water. Leaves have a thick waxy cuticle or dense hair  to reduce transpiration, or orientate their leaves to avoid the burning sun. Most evaporation loss occurs through stomata- pores in the leaves- so these sunken below the leaf surface where they are protected from drying winds.

3. Anaerobic sediment Adaptation –mangroves trees are adapted for survival in oxygen poor or anaerobic sediments through specialized root structure. Mangroves have poorly developed, shallow below-ground root system and the well-developed aerial roots. These aerial roots allow for the transport of atmospheric gases to the underground roots. Red mangroves have prop roots extending from the trunk and adventitious roots from the branch. Black mangroves has not prop roots, small air roots can be seen in the extending vertically from the soils surrounding the trunk. These air roots are known as pneumatophores.

4. Reproductive adaptations – all mangroves trees have two reproductive adaptations –viviparity and propagule dispersal. Mangroves are reproductive by flowering with pollination occurring via wind and insects. Once pollination occurs, the seeds remain attached to the plant tree. They germinate into propagules before dropping into the water below. This ability is known as viviparity.

Ecosystem services 

Coastal protection- mangroves help to mitigate the threat of inundation and devastation by storm surges and cyclones, building a living seawall that can slow or halt erosion, rapidly diminish wave- energy, and temper flood flows driven by storm surges.

Carbon sequestration – deposition of plant litter and woody debris, root accumulation and algal mat development to carbon storage. Belowground biomass represents 85% of the total biomass in many mangroves forests. It is estimated that carbon burial by mangroves at about 180gc/m /year.

Food production – mangrove communities are recognized as highly productive larger quantities of organic matter to adjacent coastal waters in the form of detritus are live animals. The detritus serves as a nutrient source and is the base of an extensive food webs. And also mangroves ecosystem serves as shelter, feeding and breeding zones for crustaceans, mollusks, fishes and migratory birds.

Denitrification - anaerobic denitrification and nitrogen fixation by certain bacteria and cyanobacteria associated with mangrove mud and with above ground root system can improve water quality and waste water inputs.




 mangroves are threatened in their existence by several causes, generally related to human activities.

· Variation in river and surface runoff that deprive tropical coastal deltas of fresh water and sediments, entails reduction of species diversity and organic production. This results in alternations of both the terrestrial and aquatic food web and reduces habitats available to species to higher trophic level.

· Soil reclamation for agriculture and aquatic reduces regional biodiversity due to loss of mangrove habitats. Many mangrove forests worldwide have been cleared to make way for shrimp aquaculture.

· Clearcutting mangrove forests and replacement with dikes create ponds with anoxic water that increases the level of Sulphidess in the soil and increase the PH leading to major shrimp losses.

·  Another negative impact of human on the mangrove habitat is the use of pesticides and fertilizers. By that it caused to increase the Nitrogen and Phosphorus and after that caused to oxygen depletion in the water and promote the growth of algae. Finally it caused to eutrophication.

· Another issue is clearcutting mangroves for hardwood. Due to the resistant against termites this wood is important export product for building constructions.

· Coastal developments, using chemical for waste water treatments, spills of oil, toxics and climate changes are threats for mangroves.  

Mangroves replanting programs are occurring in many places in worldwide and celebrated on 26th of July in every year aims to raise awareness of the importance of mangrove ecosystems. 


 Article by- Amodya Adhikari





Sunday, 3 October 2021

The Patrick Sea Star

Astrolirus patricki sp. nov. described here represents a new species. Patrick Star, from the popular cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants, is the name of this new starfish species.

Its name comes from its close relationship with another species, a sponge, rather than the pink-red color it shares with Patrick Star. It was discovered in a few locations 1.5-3 km below the surface in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.  All five specimens of the new starfish were discovered attached to deep-sea sponges. Occasionally 2–3 individuals were spotted on the same sponge along with numbers of ophiuroids and crinoids.

Seamounts are deep-sea biomes found all over the world that are home to a variety of ecosystems and benthic species. Sponges are a dominant benthic fauna in seamount ecosystems, providing habitat and settlement substrate for other seamount invertebrates such as mollusks, hydrozoans, and echinoderms.

The name comes from the character ‘Patrick Star,' who spends much of his time with his best friend SpongeBob, a benthic sponge, according to the authors of the paper describing this new species. Because all of the new species' specimens were found to be living on sponges, it was given the name Patrick to symbolize this mysterious relationship.

This new starfish species, unlike the cartoon character, has seven arms that are far thinner than the rotund, five-armed Patrick Star. The number of arms and spines, as well as other tiny characteristics known as costae and intercostal plates, adambulacral spine number and distribution, as well as the number of genital organs, separate the new species from other closely related sea stars.

Article by – Lakshitha Mahakumara



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